Debby Fisher — 1954-2024

Learn from the experts, buy from the experts!

Explore some of our success stories from our 30 year history

Our programs are incredibly safe – Learn about our disinfection!

Request a Program

We teach more than 100,000 students in over 350 schools every year across western Canada and we’d love to come to your school next!

To request one of our fun and educational world-class skating programs for your school or organization, fill out this form and we’ll get back to you as quick as we can.

For all personal programs, please check out our other programs under “Classes, Camps & Events”, or send us an email.

School Inline Skating Program

School Ice Skating Program

Family Skate Night Add-On

Street address / city / province / postal code – if applicable
Our standard program includes up to 25 students per class in kindergarten and up to 30 students per class in grades 1-12. Classes larger than this may require booking a double program.

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