Debby Fisher — 1954-2024

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School Ice Skating Programs

Alien In-Line offers ice skating lessons at the Calgary Olympic Oval on both the 400m Long Track Oval and on the Short Track (International size Hockey Rink).

This activity begins with a dryland training session done in shoes in your school gym and two or three on-ice sessions at the Calgary Olympic Oval!  Ice Skates will be provided for all students and skate-aids are available for beginners to help them build their skills and confidence.

No previous skating experience is required – everyone skates and no-one sits on the bench!

School Ice Skating is available from October to mid-March each year.  Blackout dates may apply due to Speed Skating Competitions.

Long Track Program Package


Long Track Program Package provides for up to 120 students per one-hour session.  The number of certified speed skating instructors varies based on the class size but will generally be a 10:1 student to instructor ratio.


  • Up to 80 students per session of the same grade
  • Up to 120 students per session of mixed grades
  • School Speed Skating can accommodate Grades 3-12
  • School Speed Skating uses single-size fixed-blade Speed Skates labelled in European sizes.
    • Sizes from EU 30 – EU 48 (US 13J – US 14M)

Short Track Program Package


Short Track Program Package provides for up to 40 students per one-hour session.  The number of certified speed skating instructors varies based on the class size but will generally be a 10:1 student to instructor ratio.


  • Up to 40 students per session (limited due to the smaller ice surface)
  • School Speed Skating can accommodate Grades 3-12
  • School Speed Skating uses single-size fixed-blade Speed Skates labelled in European sizes.
    • Sizes from EU 30 – EU 48 (US 13J – US 14M)


  • Short Track ice times are different than Long Track ice times and help us provide a more flexible schedule for schools.
  • The smaller, more contained space allows us to practice all of the same learn-to-skate skills as on the Long Track plus we can teach students how to do Short Track-specific events like relays, and play more types of games. Fun races and challenges can also be set up and run more quickly on the Short Track.

Dryland Program Package


Speed Skating Programs begin with a Dryland Training Session done in shoes in your school gym.  This one-hour program combines information about Speed Skating with an active program where students ‘test drive’ speed skating positions and movements in their shoes.  This activity allows students to experience what Speed Skating technique feels like and practice while they confidently balance in their shoes before adding the challenge of balancing on skates.

  • One certified Speed Skating Instructor will run this program at your school.
  • A gym space is required for the Dryland Program; the bigger the better.

Multiple classes may be combined for this program depending on the size of your gym.

I would [book again] regardless of school size and location. This is a great program which supplements the regular Physical Education Program.

St. Clare School, Calgary AB

Ready to secure your dates?

Open Free-Skate (Non-instruction)


Are you looking for a space to host a large free-skate?  The Olympic Oval 400m Long Track is the largest indoor ice surface in Calgary and can accommodate entire grades on the ice at the same time and sometimes even your entire school!


  • Alien In-Line and Olympic Oval Ice Patrol assist teachers with monitoring their students on the ice.
  • If students bring their own skates and helmets, we can accommodate groups of 450+ students on the ice at the same time.
  • Groups of 120 students of mixed grades can be accommodated if all students require rental skates.
  • Rental equipment is available to supplement larger groups
    • Hockey Skates, rented per student
    • Speed Skates, rented per student
    • Free Hockey Helmets

HPAD Program 


Are you looking for a longer and more challenging program?  Are your students already experienced skaters?  HPAD School Speed Skating offers a more challenging program designed for athletes including those from non-skating sports.  We can also use Speed Skating as cross-training for sport groups like Hockey and Skiing.

Bowness High School’s HPAD program has followed this outline for multiple years with their Grade 10-12 students.


  • 2 x Dryland Programs in shoes in your school gym, 60-90min per class.
    • Basic Introduction to Speed Skating techniques and movements
    • Interval Training program incorporating Speed Skating exercises with a higher difficulty level.
    • Speed Skating exercises incorporating body weight and resistance training.
    • Option for additional dryland instructors.
  • In-Line Skating option as an additional step transitioning from Dryland to Ice.
  • 4+ Ice Sessions including both Short Track and Long Track, 60min per class.
    • Short Track x 2
      • Session 1: learning basics, mostly position and technique.
      • Session 2+: follows a training program from the Calgary Speed Skating Association so students get to try a real Short Track practice. Higher difficulty level and more physical training than Session 1.
      • Option to try mock racing.
    • Long Track x 2
      • Session 1: learning basics, mostly position and technique.
      • Session 2+: follows a training program from the Calgary Speed Skating Association so students get to try a real Long Track practice. Higher difficulty level and more physical training than Session 1.
      • Option to try mock racing.

We really appreciate their ability to divide students into varying levels and then help each group find progression even in the higher levels. There is a good flow of instructional time, races, and free time. We appreciate that Ryan also came to the school for the pre-instruction and conditioning session, it adds a lot to the experience!

Bowness High School

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