Debby Fisher — 1954-2024

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Explore some of our success stories from our 30 year history

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Number of Students Taught Annually

Number of Schools Taught in Annually

Alien In-Line was started in 1994 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada by four ice speed skaters who used inline skating as a summer training method and had passion for teaching. Inline skating was booming across North America and the public was eager to try this exciting new sport that offered a fun new way to move on wheels. At that time, Alien taught in some of Calgary’s health clubs and fitness centres with its main clientele being recreational, fitness programs, and individual lessons.

In 1995, Mark Greenwald and Pat Seltsam, two of the original four founders, incorporated the company and purchased the first fleet of inline skates for school programs followed shortly by pilot programs in Calgary schools. Over the next 25 years under Pat Seltsam’s entrepreneurial guidance and Mark Greenwald’s teaching and programming skills, Alien prospered and grew into the largest organized school skating program in North America.

Today, Alien In-Line teaches kids to skate in over 300 schools in western Canada reaching over 100,000 kids annually.  Alien In-Line has also done pilot programs in Salt Lake City, USA, and has expanded its instruction in Calgary to include Summer Camps, Skate Club, and School Speed Skating.

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